Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist

Location Library of the Negated Words

Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist is a Collectible in BlasphemousPhalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist indicates information regarding the archivist of the library named Aralcarim. Collectible Items are specifically found in specific areas of a Location, given by an NPC, or are obtained as a reward from defeating a boss.



Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist Lore

Aralcarim worked as an archivist in the "Library of the Negated Words". His heightened interest in the writings of Cvstodia prior to the appearance of the Twisted cost him his exile.



How to Find Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist



Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and tips go here



Collectibles in Blasphemous
Anklebone of Weston, the Pilgrim  ♦  Calcaneum of Persian, the Bandit  ♦  Capitate of Barock, the Herald  ♦  Cervical Vertebra of Zicher, the Brewmaster  ♦  Clavicle of Dalhuisen, the Schoolchild  ♦  Coccyx of Daniel, the Possessed  ♦  Coxal of June, the Prostitute  ♦  Femur of Karpow, the Bounty Hunter  ♦  Fibula of Rysp, the Ranger  ♦  Frontal of Martinus, the Ropemaker  ♦  Hamate of Vukelich, the Copyist  ♦  Humerus of McMittens, the Nurse  ♦  Hyoid bone of Senex, the Beggar  ♦  Jaw of Ashgan, the Inquisitor  ♦  Kneecap of Sebastien, the Puppeteer  ♦  Lunate of Keiya, the Butcher  ♦  Maxilla of Tarradax, the Cleric  ♦  Metacarpus of Hodges, the Blacksmith  ♦  Metatarsus of Rikusyo, the Traveller  ♦  Nasal Bone of Charles, the Artist  ♦  Navicular of Kahnnyhoo, the Murderer  ♦  Occipital of Tequila, the Metalsmith  ♦  Parietal Bone of Lasser, the Inquisitor  ♦  Phalanx of Arthur, the Sailor  ♦  Phalanx of Brannon, the Gravedigger  ♦  Phalanx of Miriam, the Counsellor  ♦  Phalanx of William, the Sceptic  ♦  Phalanx of Zeth, the Prisoner  ♦  Pisiform of Hernandez, the Explorer  ♦  Radius of Helzer, the Poet  ♦  Ribs of Sabnock, the Guardian  ♦  Sacrum of the Dark Warlock  ♦  Scaphoid of Fierce, the Leper  ♦  Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner  ♦  Sternum of Vitas, the Performer  ♦  Temporal of Joel, the Thief  ♦  Tibia of Alsahli, the Mystic  ♦  Trapezium of Jeremiah, the Hangman  ♦  Trapezoid of Yeager, the Jeweller  ♦  Triquetral of Luca, the Tailor  ♦  Ulna of Koke, the Troubadour  ♦  Vertebra of John, the Gambler  ♦  Vertebra of Lindquist, the Forger



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