Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner

Location Jondo

Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner is a Collectible in BlasphemousScapula of Carlos, the Executioner indicates information regarding an executioner. Collectible Items are specifically found in specific areas of a Location, given by an NPC, or are obtained as a reward from defeating a boss.



Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner Lore

His hatred for people was as great as his love for animals. When he was ordered to execute a dog that had bitten a bishop, Carlos refused for the first and last time.



How to Find Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner

  • Location: Jondo
    • From the Mountains of the Endless Dusk entrance, climb down the ladder to the right and jump towards the platform that's on the left. It's under a moving platform.



Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and tips go here



Collectibles in Blasphemous
Anklebone of Weston, the Pilgrim  ♦  Calcaneum of Persian, the Bandit  ♦  Capitate of Barock, the Herald  ♦  Cervical Vertebra of Zicher, the Brewmaster  ♦  Clavicle of Dalhuisen, the Schoolchild  ♦  Coccyx of Daniel, the Possessed  ♦  Coxal of June, the Prostitute  ♦  Femur of Karpow, the Bounty Hunter  ♦  Fibula of Rysp, the Ranger  ♦  Frontal of Martinus, the Ropemaker  ♦  Hamate of Vukelich, the Copyist  ♦  Humerus of McMittens, the Nurse  ♦  Hyoid bone of Senex, the Beggar  ♦  Jaw of Ashgan, the Inquisitor  ♦  Kneecap of Sebastien, the Puppeteer  ♦  Lunate of Keiya, the Butcher  ♦  Maxilla of Tarradax, the Cleric  ♦  Metacarpus of Hodges, the Blacksmith  ♦  Metatarsus of Rikusyo, the Traveller  ♦  Nasal Bone of Charles, the Artist  ♦  Navicular of Kahnnyhoo, the Murderer  ♦  Occipital of Tequila, the Metalsmith  ♦  Parietal Bone of Lasser, the Inquisitor  ♦  Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist  ♦  Phalanx of Arthur, the Sailor  ♦  Phalanx of Brannon, the Gravedigger  ♦  Phalanx of Miriam, the Counsellor  ♦  Phalanx of William, the Sceptic  ♦  Phalanx of Zeth, the Prisoner  ♦  Pisiform of Hernandez, the Explorer  ♦  Radius of Helzer, the Poet  ♦  Ribs of Sabnock, the Guardian  ♦  Sacrum of the Dark Warlock  ♦  Scaphoid of Fierce, the Leper  ♦  Sternum of Vitas, the Performer  ♦  Temporal of Joel, the Thief  ♦  Tibia of Alsahli, the Mystic  ♦  Trapezium of Jeremiah, the Hangman  ♦  Trapezoid of Yeager, the Jeweller  ♦  Triquetral of Luca, the Tailor  ♦  Ulna of Koke, the Troubadour  ♦  Vertebra of John, the Gambler  ♦  Vertebra of Lindquist, the Forger



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